
Openings for graduate students
We currently do not have funded Ph.D. position available in our group. Future opennings and more details can be found on Doctoral Admissions page.
Master students and research volunteers
We welcome interested Master Students and research volunteers to our lab. We have multiple projects available for students who are interested in machine learning, molecular modeling, polymer simulations in the general area of chemistry, chemical engineering and physics. We help and encourage master students and research volunteers to wrap up and publish their work in high-impact journals. You can email
with your interests and background.
Undergraduates and high school students
We welcome interested undergraduates and high school students to our lab. We have multiple projects available for students who are interested in getting hands-on experience with machine learning, molecular modelling, polymer simulations in the general area of chemistry, physics, and chemical engineering. You can email
with your interests and background.
Contact us
Department of Chemistry and Materials Science
Science Building B563
Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, North Campus
Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123